The Design and Technology Association
As the UK’s expert authority for design and technology, the Association believes that there should be the opportunity for all students, across all abilities, to study high quality D&T as part of a broad and creative curriculum up to the age of 18.
Association Mission
The Design and Technology Association supports, develops and promotes high-quality design and technology teaching and learning as an essential part of the rounded education of all young people. We link schools and students with the world of business, manufacturing and industry and lobby government and key decision-makers to ensure that the subject’s value is duly recognised and supported.
How we will achieve this/core actions (this mission)
- To continually develop and champion D&T education across all phases of education
- To raise awareness of the values, benefits and career opportunities arising from D&T education
- To be the UK’s single professional association for all those involved in design and technology education and to communicate vision and purpose for the subject
- To work closely with government, universities and other providers of teacher education to increase recruitment to our subject
- To help new and experienced teachers gain and develop the skills, confidence and competence they need to excel in teaching high-quality design & technology
- To provide high quality professional development, support and resources to D&T professionals in order to drive forward excellence in practice and student achievement and attainment
- To engage with governments and other decision-making agencies to inform, influence, shape and promote the contribution of design and technology in the curriculum
- To develop links with business and industry to enhance D&T’s contribution to the future economic success of the country
- To provide a comprehensive service to members, providing excellent value for money and growing membership in order to influence and support more schools