National Primary Teacher Education Council

National Primary Teacher Education Council

NaPTEC is a major body in the United Kingdom representing Higher Education tutors, mentors, teachers and others in schools engaged in teaching, research and educational development related to the primary age range, encompassing the Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.

We are committed to enhancing the understanding and practice of partnerships between schools and higher education institutions in the preparation of intending primary teachers. As an organisation we provide a platform for everyone engaged in teaching, research and educational development and are an important national voice for Primary teacher education. We see ourselves as a ‘professional learning community’, bringing together professional voices from all sectors of Primary education.

We represent all subjects in the EYFS, Key Stage1 and 2 of the Primary curriculum. We are especially committed to the Foundation subjects and an inclusive school curriculum that is broad and balanced and forward thinking. Our committee has taken responsibility for responding to key policy documents over the years and engaging in dialogue with policy-makers.

Who do NaPTEC support?:

  • Higher Education Institutions,
  • Schools
  • Lecturers
  • Teachers
  • Trainees and NQTs
  • School leaders

How much does it cost:
There is no charge for membership. We do charge a fee to attend our annual conference. Our income from events enables us to be self-financing, welcoming participants who are new to initial teacher education as well as those who have served the profession for many years.

Membership includes:

  • Attend all events with national speakers
  • Eligibility to be a Committee member
  • Voting rights at AGM
  • Receive termly newsletter
  • Network with colleagues and other professionals
  • Have your voice heard and contribute to lobbying government on important educational issues
  • Opportunities to engage in collaborative research and present research findings

Contact Details