Further Support
Most subject associations are also linked with international associations representing their subject or area of interest.
National and international conferences take place annually normally; these provide opportunities for benchmarking practice between countries and for sharing research.
To find out more click on the link to visit their websites.
Examples of other Supporting Organisations
Astronomical Society https://ras.ac.uk
British Educational Research Association www.bera.ac.uk
British Library www.bl.uk/teaching-resources
British Voice Association www.britishvoiceassociation.org.uk
Education Endowment Foundation www.educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk
Education Support www.educationsupport.org.uk
European School Net www.eun.org
Geological Society www.geolsoc.org.uk
History Hit www.historyhit.com
Institute of Physics www.iop.org
Khan Academy www.khanacademy.org
Knowledge Hub – www.khub.net
MESHGuides www.meshguides.org
National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) www.nape.org.uk
Royal Geographical Society www.rgs.org
Royal Society of Biology www.rsb.org.uk
Royal Society of Chemistry www.rsc.org
SENECA www.senecalearning.com
Unions in addition to the NAHT and ASCL listed earlier
NASUWT The Teachers Union www.nasuwt.org.uk
National Education Union (NEU) www.neu.org.uk
VOICE the Union www.voicetheunion.org.uk
National Organisations
Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE) www.aspe-uk.eu
British Educational Research Association www.bera.ac.uk
Education Scotland www.education.gov.scot
Education Workforce Council Wales www.ewc.wales/site/index.php/en
General Teaching Council Northern Ireland www.gtcni.org.uk
General Teaching Council for Scotland www.gtcs.org.uk
Primary Umbrella Group contact Robert Young, chair e: rmyoung1942@yahoo.co.uk
Teachit Primary Resources www.teachitprimary.co.uk